Dear patients, dear visitors,

you have come to this page to inform yourself as a patient, relative, friend or acquaintance about the causes, consequences, forms, therapy and operations of facial palsy. You have come to the right place! Whether you are looking to gain a basic overview of the entire clinical picture or want to obtain specific individual information: this website you will provide you with all the important details. Facial palsy surgery can significantly improve form, function, aesthetics, and symmetry. This site is also intended to serve interested laypersons, therapists and doctors as a comprehensive source of information. Therefore, special attention has been placed on clear, understandable language. For years, the authors have been working intensively on all types of facial paralysis at a large German university hospital, using both conservative (i.e. non-operative) treatment, as well as cutting-edge surgical techniques. Furthermore, in some areas, we are leaders in basic research of the facial nerve.

The timing of the therapy is of critical importance. It is still underestimated and misunderstood by many medical colleagues, therapists and patients.

Let us take you by the hand and inform you about the latest non-operative therapeutic options and the latest reconstructive surgical methods. Through continuous participation in international specialist congresses, the contribution of our own research results, the active participation in workshops and courses, and regular exchange with international centers, we are always up to date - as is the information available here.

Constant exchange with international figures and thought leaders in the field of facial surgery plus our well-founded studies on the micro- and macroanatomy of the facial nerve through the preparation of body donors ensure the correct indication and application of the most modern surgical methods. Our own intensive research efforts have already paid off for many of our patients. In this way, our "from-bench-to-bedside" approach guarantees the highest level of safety for their treatment. Dynamic facial reanimation aims to restore active facial expression. Microsurgery is an indispensable tool in order to be able to offer the entire spectrum of reconstructive surgery in facial paralysis (e.g. free functional muscle transplants) on a high international level. Due to further specialization in aesthetic surgery, elements from reconstruction and aesthetic surgery (e.g. the deep plane facelift) can be combined in operations and have synergistic effects. In addition to functional restoration, the aesthetic appearance is our top priority. 

Evidence-based medicine (i.e. a treatment approach based on the latest available scientific findings and facts) is of great importance to us. Patients should be able to receive the best, most modern, and most suitable treatment method for his or her personal needs! We always define our therapeutic plans together with our patients.

Working hand in hand with our patients is the cornerstone of our treatment program. We see ourselves as a treatment team that wants to fully integrate you into all steps of the therapy. This is reflected in the high satisfaction rate of our patients. Some of our patients would also like to help you further and give you the opportunity of further discussion. All patients shown on this page have expressly given their written consent to the publication of image/video material. They would like to encourage other patients to approach their paralysis proactively and thus make a very valuable contribution.

Facial Nerve

The hope for an improvement in your quality of life unites us - we will make every effort to fulfil it. You have already taken the first step by visiting this page!

Now we wish you much joy, interest and insight. We are happy to answer your questions and accept your suggestions.

With very best wishes for your recovery!


Dr. Andreas Kehrer, MD, PhD, FEBOPRAS