This 3D model clearly shows the complexity of the mimic musculature. In addition, you can also visualize the position of the parotid gland (Glandula parotidea), between whose superficial and deep part the Plexus parotideus of the N. facialis is located. In the clinical picture of mumps the parotid gland is classically swollen.

Source: "danielmclogan". Head Anatomy for Artist. 2020. Accessed on 11/15/2020. CC BY-SA 4.0.

This 3D learning model will provide you with a rough overview of the neck and face muscles. The neck muscle, called platysma, is particularly well illustrated here. It extends from the chest to the lower jaw and therefore also influences facial expression. If the muscle contracts, the lower jaw is pulled downwards, and the mouth opens. The corners of the mouth and the lower lip are also pulled down. When the lower jaw is fixed, the neck skin stretches and shortens. The forehead muscle (frontalis muscle) and the eye ring muscle (orbicularis oculi muscle) can be easily recognized as further prominent facial muscles. The yoke bone muscle (zygomaticus muscle), which is very important for smiling, starts at the corner of the mouth and is shown here with three muscle bellies. The facial artery (facial artery) is shown running through it.

Illustrate the relationship of the individual muscles to each other and to important focused points in the face, e.g. the eye and mouth complex. If you click and hold the model with the left mouse button, it can be moved in all directions. The symbol with two arrows at the bottom right shows the model in full screen mode. This 3D learning model was created by our friends from ANATOMYNEXT (, who support our site with their brilliant computer learning models.

The platysma [Greek, = plate] is a superficial skin muscle. As a thin muscle plate, it covers almost the entire anterior surface of the neck and is functionally classified as part of the mimic musculature. It lies between the skin and the superficial neck fascia without direct contact with the skeleton and is controlled by the R. cervicalis of the facial nerve. In some mammals, it enables movements (voluntary twitching) of individual skin areas, in horses, for example, to scare away flies. In humans, however, the skin muscle has largely lost this function. Only a few people can use it consciously. In humans, the platysma originates around the upper chest and extends to the corners of the mouth, cheeks and lower lip. Its fibers may partially radiate into the mentalis muscle, the depressor anguli oris (DAO) muscle, or even the orbicularis oris muscle. If the neural input of the muscle is pathologically altered, such as in synkinesis following defect healing of facial paralysis, tenderness and marked restriction of the smile may result. In these cases, the muscle is sometimes partially surgically removed or deliberately blocked by chemodevervation (botulinum toxin) to limit its antagonism to more important mimic functions, such as smiling. This can significantly improve facial expressions and painful muscle spasms.